Everywhere I read online, whether that be reviews for the AOR AR8000, information on great sites like rigreference.com, rigpix.com and even the official AOR AR-8000 manual all state the same thing. That this wide range receiver has a range of 500kHz to 1900MHz, with an acceptable input of 100kHz. So that’s fine at the lower […]
AOR AR8000 Scanner First Impressions
I have never owned an AOR receiver before and just bought an AOR AR-8000. Here are a few of my first impressions below. Please note: As its still new to me, how I feel may change the longer I own this scanner. But as of right now, I don’t think its very good. The AOR […]
Quansheng UV-K6 Transceiver Radio Review
First off, I have not used this radio to transmit. I bought it only to receive. And for that it has been great. There’s plenty of information and videos online on the Quansheng UV-K6 [K5-8] being used to transmit. In a nutshell, it’s transmitting abilities are quite good within really small distances. For further distances […]
Realistic 400 Channel Pro 2006 Scanner
One of the scanner legends of the 1990’s. A great scanner that has almost withstood the test of time. Even today, as far as analogue receivers go, the Realistic Pro 2006 is excellent. It has a wide scanning range of 25MHz – 520MHz and 760MHz – 1300MHz [UK]. In 2025, with few gaps in the […]
GRE PSR-255 Scanner Receiver
The 50 channel GRE PSR-255 “Professional Scanning Receiver” is often overlooked and considered as a cheap low-end radio scanner. But after owning one for many years, and putting up against other scanners, I can say from experience that it is a bit of a dark horse. It always put up a good fight against scanners […]